ABS Installs Historic George Washington Portrait in Trenton Office

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 16, 2012 Contacts: Karla Pollack, karla@absnj.com Paula Hartman, paula@absnj.com 609-392-3800 ABS Installs Historic George Washington Portrait in Trenton Office ABS to preserve and honor George Washington’s history Trenton, NJ – After recently opening their new office just 40 steps away from the New Jersey State House and near some of the … Continued

Op-Ed piece on Unfair tax-code changes target global corporations

I read “Unfair tax-code changes target global corporations” in the June 17th edition of the Trenton Times and agree with the author’s belief that American companies, especially those competing on a global scale in the 21st century cannot be burdened with another tax liability that would arise if the Federal Government eliminates the deferral system.

Area Executives Graduate with Nonprofit Management Certificate

Nonprofit executives recently graduated from The Nonprofit Management Program at The College of New Jersey and received Certificates in Nonprofit Management. The program focuses on management topics of critical value to executives of nonprofit organizations in managing their organizations more effectively.