ABS at the 2014 League of Municipalities

ABS attended the 99th Annual League of Municipalities Convention in Atlantic City. At the EXPO, ABS, J. Richard Norton, President & CEO of Eastern Armored Services and 1st Lt. Mike Relak, Operations Manager, promoted their armed and unarmed school security guard and cash-in-transit services.        

Trenton Rotary’s 100th Anniversary Video

The video is an 18 minute piece so watch sections at your leisure! Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more … Continued

Eastern Armored Showcases School Security Services at NJSBA Conference

Libby Vinson from ABS and 1st Lt. Mike Relak, Operations Manager at Eastern Armored at the Eastern Armored Services exhibit during the NJ School Boards Association Conference. This 3-day conference (October 28-30) provides the opportunity for attendees to learn about the best available products and services for their school districts.  Eastern featured their armed and unarmed school security … Continued

ABS at the NJ School Boards Association Convention

Paula Harrington & Libby Vinson attended the Annual NJ School Boards Association (NJSBA) Conference October 28-30 in Atlantic City.  They promoted Eastern Armored’s school security officer and cash in transit services. Visit  workshop.njsba.org for more information about the conference and www.easternarmored.com to learn about Eastern’s important work.  Eastern is an elite provider in the armored transportation industry with its … Continued

ABS at the 200 Club Luncheon

The 200 Club of Mercer County hosted its Annual Luncheon at the Stone Terrace in Hamilton on June 11.  Craig W. Floyd, Chairman & CEO, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, made a keynote address “Remembering the Sacrifice, Celebrating the Service.” Valor Award Recipients: Raymond A. Amato and Thomas J. Ferrigno New Jersey State Police, T.E.A.M.S. … Continued