Managing Your Brand on Social Media

socialmedia-heartAn easy way to control your brand on social media is to maintain a simple list of what sites you’re on, who has access and who is responsible for overseeing the engagement.  We meet new executive directors who are not aware that someone created a Twitter account years ago and that engagement is taking place under their brand’s name without any oversight.

A volunteer / staff member responsible for SM may leave for vacation or the relationship ends (not always amicably) and you could lose access as a result.  Even when ABS manages social media for a client, we always designate at least one in-house person as an administrator.

You can’t actively engage on all the hundreds of SM sites so focus on a few that are important to your audience and add others that make sense when you can handle.  Make sure the profiles are complete and a little different on each network; Google penalizes 100% duplication everywhere.

Ask supporters and make it easy for them to share / re-post items on their own social media sites to expand the reach and engagement.

Sample one-page list of Social Media accounts – the easiest way for managing your brand on social media:

Gmail & Social Media Accounts

Gmail Account:   

For Google Analytics, you need to use an email address and that email’s password.  For that reason, it’s helpful to have a general email account that can be used to access google analytics so that no one’s work/personal email account is shared with others.  For example, something like could be used by the marketing committee to improve engagement.  You can also use the gmail for logging into some social media sites.


Google Analytics:

Google analytics can help guide digital marketing efforts.  You can see demographics of your website audience, what devices they’re using to view your site, what messages and social media sites are bringing visitors to your site, etc.
Login:  (the gmail account created above or another email account)

Facebook:  URL address –

The admin can only designate friends who “like” the Assn page as admins but they need to be friends through their personal account first.  You can unfriend after designating someone as an administrator if you don’t use your personal FB account for work.  When someone leaves the organization / no longer works on the page, remove them as admins.
Access – login through personal FB account.
Admins –
Schedule –
List the general schedule, i.e., 4 times / month.  A full editorial schedule and strategies would be in a separate document.

YouTube Channel:
Access –
(Since Google owns, it’s easy if using a gmail address)

Schedule –
4 x a year?  You can add others’ videos to playlists to add content in between uploading videos your organization produces. 

LinkedIn company page:  Designated admins login through personal LI account

Twitter:  All admins share same username & password.

Pinterest, Instagram…

Social Media Articles:

Using Social Media to Promote Your Event

Pinning for a Cause – 5 Ways Nonprofits Can Better Utilize Pinterest

Using Social Media for Events